Home Development Diving in with OpenCV and Python

Diving in with OpenCV and Python

by Patrick W. Crawford
opencv course

About a month ago, my most recent course on Lynda.com published covering OpenCV and python!

Includes a free lecture
This course is designed to introduce the concepts of image processing while giving practical examples and problems. It is aimed at existing python developers, but you can benefit from the course with even a basic understanding of python. Image processing is a really exciting and growing area of development. I have been working with OpenCV for over three years, and have leveraged it on desktop machines, mobile phones, and even in embedded microprocessors. It is a powerful cross-compatible toolset.

Topics include

  • Installing on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux (compiling from source)
  • Basic image operations
  • Object detection
  • Face and Feature Detection

One notable aspect of this course is the use of OpenCV3 and Python3. While both have been around for a few years, few resources teach version 3 of both simultaneously. Future-proof yourself by learning the latest and greatest!

For more examples of what you can do with openCV, check out these pages. While built on C++, these examples use the same library calls available in python.

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