MCprep is a blender python addon to make Minecraft renders and animations easier and faster. It automatically sets up better materials, imports fully animatable mob rigs, and can replace plain world-export models with 3D modeled and animated blocks, such as wind-swaying grass and wheat. Once you have imported a Minecraft world (e.g. from jmc2obj or Mineways), use MCprep to take your world to the next level. NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG OR MICROSOFT.

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Easy Minecraft Rendering
Fix world materials with a single press, spending less time on setup and more time on making great renders.
Prep Materials

After you import your Minecraft world into blender (view tutorial here), you can easily improve the materials for Eevee or update them to work beautifully with the Cycles render engine. Just select all objects of the world, and press Prep Materials – that easy!
MCprep will fix transparencies, shadow issues, and blurry textures. It will update materials according to which render engine (internal or cycles) is currently active.
Mesh Swap
Replace boring 2D models in your world export into crafted 3D animated blocks (only some blocks animated as appropriate).
Currently, MCprep will swap plain blocks for 3D assets for redstone lamps, grass blocks, wheat, vines, flowers, and several more.

Start Animating in Seconds
Built-in mobs and custom rig install features get you animating instantly in any scene with ease.
Skin Swap
Change your Minecraft player rig skin for another with a click of a button. MCprep allows you to easily add in skins from image files. You can even directly download your own player skin from right within the addon. Additionally, any skin that is used or applied gets stored for quick reuse in the future.
Mob Spawning
Easily import all of your favorite Minecraft Mobs. With a click of a button, you can add in creepers, wolves, players and more. Many rigs come out of the box with MCprep, but you can also install your own with the + operator. Alternatively, automatically load rigs by selecting a new mobs folder. This works for even non-Minecraft rigs!
Check out available rigs here.
Swap Texture Packs
Quickly change out the default resource pack for another. MCprep now also supports PBR passes for normal maps and specular maps, as well as SEUS compatible shaders. Push the realism to the maximum with ease and the resource pack of your choice!

MCprep Tutorial and Guides
MCStudio Renders
See the artwork showing off many of the mobs included in MCprep directly after installing.
See more of these MCStudio mob spawner renders.